Payment Methods

We require payment within 2 business days for all transactions.

Accepted Payment Methods


Within Australia: Bank Transfer or Physical Cash in store


Outside Australia: Wise

If you would like to pay by bank transfer and collect your purchase on the same day (local customers only), this is achievable if your bank has the OSKO feature. For large amounts, we can also help you facilitate a Real Time Gross Settlement (RTGS).

Our international customers can benefit from reduced foreign exchange costs by using WISE as their funds transfer facilitator. Click our affiliate link to learn more about WISE:


Order Payments
For orders over $15,000, a deposit of 2.5% of the total purchase amount MAY be required within one hour of order confirmation. Adams Bullion also reserves the right to request a $250 deposit for all orders under $15,000. Payment of the balance is due within 2 business days.


Order Cancellations
If you cancel your order your deposit will not be refunded, and you will be liable for any difference between the value based on the spot price of the metal at the time of placing your order, and the value at the time of cancellation (market loss). Market losses may exceed the deposit you have paid. Any market gains will be forfeit. You may also be charged a cancellation fee of $200. Failure to pay the market loss will result in the amount owed being sent for collection.

Our Bank Account details

If you wish to pay via bank transfer, our account details are below.

You must use your order number as a reference code so we can match your payment correctly.

Adams Bullion Pty. Ltd.
BSB: 012 622
Account Number: 650337238

Branch Address:

ANZ/ Australia New Zealand Bank

293 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000